Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Data Factory are powerful tools for data integration, big data analytics, and enterprise data warehousing, offering a range of features from data integration to advanced analytics.
However, many organizations find themselves grappling with unexpectedly high costs associated with Azure Data Factory.

We will explore inefficiencies in resource utilization, suboptimal data processing practices, and overlooked cost management features.
Furthermore, we will provide actionable strategies to optimize your usage and reduce expenses, ensuring you can leverage these robust platforms without breaking the bank.

Whether you are an IT manager, data engineer, or financial analyst, this guide will equip you with the insights needed to streamline costs and maximize the value of your Azure investments.

Understanding Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory


Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a fully managed, serverless data integration service provided by Microsoft. It is designed to orchestrate and automate the movement and transformation of data across various sources and destinations, making it an essential tool for managing big data workflows in the cloud.

Key Features:

  • Data Integration and Transformation: ADF supports both ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes, allowing users to move and transform data efficiently. It provides a code-free interface for designing data workflows, which can be executed at scale using managed Spark clusters.
  • Extensive Connectivity: ADF offers over 90 built-in connectors to various data sources, including on-premises databases, cloud storage services, and SaaS applications like Salesforce and Marketo. This extensive connectivity ensure a seamless data integration across diverse environments.
  • Customizable Pipelines and Activities: Users can create pipelines, which are logical groupings of activities that perform specific tasks. Activities can include data movement, data transformation, and control operations, enabling complex data workflows to be managed as a single unit.
  • Integrated Security: ADF integrates with Azure Active Directory for authentication and authorization, supports encryption of data at rest and in transit, advanced access and permission controls that can be flexibly customized to suit any project structure to manage access to data and pipelines securely.
  • Monitoring and Management: ADF provides comprehensive monitoring and management capabilities, including visual monitoring of pipeline performance, setting up alerts, and integration with Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)

What are main cost-issues with Azure Data Factory

  1. Data Movement Costs
    • Issue: ADF incurs costs for data movement between various sources and destinations.
    • Why It Matters: Frequent data transfers can quickly add up, leading to higher operational expenses.
  2. High Frequency of Activities
    • Issue: ADF charges for each activity run, and frequent execution of pipelines can quickly add up.
    • Why It Matters: High-frequency activities can significantly increase costs, especially for complex workflows.
  3. Debugging and Development Costs
    • Issue: Debugging data flows and developing pipelines in ADF can be resource-intensive.
    • Why It Matters: Extensive debugging and development efforts can increase labor costs and delay project timelines.
  4. Idle Resources
    • Issue: Leaving resources such as integration runtimes running when not in use can incur unnecessary costs.
    • Why It Matters: Paying for idle resources leads to wasted expenditure and inefficient resource utilization.
  5. Complexity of Pipelines
    • Issue: Complex pipelines with numerous activities and dependencies can lead to higher costs due to cumulative resource consumption.
    • Why It Matters: Managing and maintaining complex pipelines can be costly and time-consuming.
  6. Resource Utilization
    • Issue: Users may end up paying for idle resources if not properly managed, as ADF does not offer the same level of granular control over resource allocation as Synapse.
    • Why It Matters: Inefficient resource management can lead to unnecessary costs, impacting the overall budget.
  7. Difficulty in Optimizing Processes
    • Issue: Optimizing and troubleshooting underperforming data processes can be difficult due to limited visibility into execution details within the GUI.
    • Why It Matters: This makes diagnosing performance issues and implementing optimizations challenging, potentially leading to inefficiencies and higher costs.

Azure Synapse Analytics


Azure Synapse Analytics is a comprehensive, cloud-based analytics service provided by Microsoft. It integrates data warehousing, big data analytics, data integration, and data exploration capabilities into a single unified platform.

Key Features:

  1. Unified Analytics Platform
    • SQL and Spark Integration: Azure Synapse combines the SQL technologies used in enterprise data warehousing with Apache Spark for big data processing. This allows users to query both relational and non-relational data using their preferred language, whether SQL, Python, .NET, Java, Scala, or R.
    • Data Explorer: Optimized for log and time-series analytics, Data Explorer provides an interactive query experience for analyzing telemetry and log data.
  2. Flexible Resource Models
    • Serverless and Dedicated Options: Synapse offers both serverless and dedicated resource models. Serverless SQL pools are ideal for on-demand, ad-hoc queries, while dedicated SQL pools provide predictable performance for consistent workloads.
    • Scalability: The platform supports limitless scaling, enabling rapid delivery of insights from large datasets across data warehouses and big data systems.
  3. Integrated Data Integration
    • Synapse Pipelines: Built-in data integration capabilities, similar to Azure Data Factory, allow users to create ETL/ELT pipelines without leaving the Synapse environment. This includes ingesting data from over 90 data sources and orchestrating various data processing activities.
    • Synapse Link: Facilitates near-real-time analytics by eliminating the need for time-consuming ETL processes, enabling seamless data movement from operational databases and business applications to Synapse Analytics.
  4. Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning
    • Machine Learning Integration: Synapse integrates with Azure Machine Learning, allowing users to apply machine learning models directly to their data. This integration supports advanced analytics, including predictive and prescriptive analytics.
    • SparkML and AzureML: Built-in support for SparkML algorithms and AzureML integration enables the development and deployment of machine learning models within the Synapse environment.
  5. Enhanced Security and Compliance
    • Comprehensive Security Features: Synapse provides advanced security measures, including automated threat detection, always-on encryption, column-level and row-level security, and dynamic data masking. These features ensure data protection and compliance with industry standards.
    • Role-Based Access Control: Synapse Studio offers role-based access control to simplify the management of user permissions and secure access to analytics resources.
  6. Unified Experience with Synapse Studio
    • Synapse Studio: This integrated workspace allows users to perform key tasks such as data ingestion, exploration, preparation, orchestration, and visualization within a single interface. It supports collaboration among data engineers, data scientists, and business analysts.
    • Monitoring and Management: Users can monitor resources, usage, and performance across SQL, Spark, and Data Explorer, ensuring efficient management of their analytics environment.

How Azure Synapse Analytics can improve the cost issues of Azure Data Factory

  1. Integrated Environment for Data Processing and Analytics
    • Problem: Azure Data Factory often requires multiple services to achieve comprehensive data integration, transformation, and analytics, leading to increased complexity and higher costs.
    • Solution: Azure Synapse provides a unified platform that combines data warehousing, big data analytics, and data integration.
    • Benefit: Reduces the need for multiple services, simplifying the architecture and potentially lowering overall costs.
    • Action: Consolidate data processing and analytics workloads within Azure Synapse to leverage its integrated capabilities.
  2. Targeted Resource Management
    • Problem: Azure Data Factory often incurs high costs due to the extensive use of Data Integration Units (DIUs), which include CPU, memory, and network resources. Inefficient use of DIUs can result in substantial charges, impacting the overall budget.
    • Solution: Azure Synapse offers advanced resource management features, including the ability to define and scale resources more granularly.
    • Benefit: By leveraging Synapse's advanced resource management capabilities (e.g. workload management and resource classes), you can reduce the need for high DIU usage, thereby lowering costs.
    • Action: Regularly monitor and adjust resource allocation in Synapse to ensure efficient use of CPU, memory, and network resources. Utilize Synapse's built-in tools to optimize data processing and minimize resource consumption.
  3. Advanced Query Optimization
    • Problem: Azure Data Factory may struggle with inefficient query performance due to limited optimization features and the constraints of its graphical user interface (GUI), making granular optimization difficult, leading to higher resource consumption and costs.
    • Solution: Azure Synapse provides advanced query optimization features, including workload management and intelligent query processing.
    • Benefit: Optimized queries consume fewer resources, leading to lower costs.
    • Action: Regularly review and optimize SQL queries using Synapse's built-in tools. Implement indexing, partitioning, and other optimization techniques to improve query performance.
  4. Auto-Pause and Resume for Resources
    • Problem: Azure Data Factory often incurs unnecessary costs due to idle resources, such as integration runtimes, that remain running when not in use. This leads to wasted expenditure and inefficient resource utilization.
    • Solution: Azure Synapse allows configuration of auto-pause and resume for dedicated SQL pools and Spark pools.
    • Benefit: Reduces costs by avoiding charges for idle resources.
    • Action: Set up automation to pause and resume resources based on usage patterns. Use Azure Automation or Logic Apps to schedule these actions.
  5. Data Lake Integration
    • Problem: Azure Data Factory incurs costs for data movement between various sources and destinations. Frequent data transfers can quickly add up, leading to higher operational expenses.
    • Solution: Azure Synapse integrates smoothly with Azure Data Lake Storage.
    • Benefit: Reduces data movement costs and improves performance by processing data in place.
    • Action: Store large datasets in Azure Data Lake Storage and use Synapse to process and analyze the data directly.
  6. Simplify Cost Management with Flexible Pricing Models and the creation of POCs
    • Problem: Azure Data Factory users often face high costs due to inefficient resource utilization and the composite cost block of Data Integration Units (DIUs), which include CPU, memory, and network resources. This complexity can make it difficult to target and manage costs effectively, potentially leading to unexpected expenses or over-provisioning.
    • Solution: Utilize Azure Synapse's flexible pricing models, including serverless SQL pools and Spark pools, which offer straightforward and predictable pricing. With Azure Synapse you can use the flexible pricing model and only pay for the processed data for the analysis workflow, in comparison to the composite cost model of Azure Data Factory.
    • Benefit: Serverless SQL pools allow you to pay per terabyte of data processed, making it cost-effective for infrequent or variable workloads. Spark pools are billed per vCore hour, providing a clear hourly rate for resource usage. Conducting POCs helps you understand the potential costs before fully committing.
    • Action:
      • Use serverless SQL pools for ad-hoc queries and exploratory data analysis to avoid the need for maintaining dedicated resources.
      • For consistent, high-volume workloads, consider using Spark pools with appropriate sizing and auto-pause features to manage costs efficiently.
      • Conduct POCs to get a sense of how much the solution will potentially cost, allowing you to make informed decisions.
      • Regularly review and adjust resource usage based on workload demands to optimize costs.


Transitioning from Azure Data Factory to Azure Synapse Analytics can effectively address many cost issues associated with data integration and analytics.

Azure Synapse offers a unified platform that combines data warehousing, big data analytics, and data integration, reducing the need for multiple services and simplifying the architecture, which can lead to lower overall costs.

With advanced resource management features, Synapse allows for more granular control over resource allocation, minimizing unnecessary expenses.

Its advanced query optimization capabilities ensure efficient resource usage, and the auto-pause and resume features prevent charges for idle resources.

Integration with Azure Data Lake Storage further reduces data movement costs by enabling in-place data processing.

Additionally, Synapse's flexible pricing models, including serverless SQL pools and Spark pools, provide predictable and cost-effective options. Conducting proof-of-concept (POC) projects helps organizations understand potential costs before fully committing.

In summary, adopting Azure Synapse Analytics can optimize costs and enhance data processing capabilities, making it a strategic solution for organizations looking to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their data strategy.

For a tailored consultation on how Azure Synapse Analytics can benefit your organization, reach out to our team at Oliva Advisory GmbH. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your data and achieve your business goals with cutting-edge, cost-effective data management strategies.